
Nucleotide sequence comparison
Nucleotide sequence comparison

nucleotide sequence comparison

To investigate tandem repeats and the subtle repeat pattern of codon bias, the tool SpectroFish uses a vertical axis to represent frequency ( Sussillo et al., 2004 Sánchez and Lopez-Villasenor, 2006). SynTView uses heat-maps to depict variation among sequences ( Lechat et al., 2013). Circos plots visualize large scale rearrangements, such as syntenic blocks, with arcs ( Krzywinski et al., 2009). Chromosome painting gives large scale summaries of genome structure, for example showing translocations between chromosomes using different colors ( Serov et al., 2005 Kemkemer et al., 2006 Rasmussen et al., 2014). Multiple-Sequence Alignment (MSA) editors such as JalView have zoomable depictions of nucleotides or amino acids as colored blocks allowing variation between vertically organized samples to be picked out by the naked eye ( Waterhouse et al., 2009 Katoh et al., 2017). Genome browsers display nucleotide sequence only when zoomed to sub-kilobase scales, but not in broader overviews, and usually show annotations as linear blocks or line graphs in parallel tracks ( Robinson et al., 2011 Kuhn et al., 2013 Buels et al., 2016).

#Nucleotide sequence comparison software

Many software tools exist to visualize DNA sequence data, but in those that do include the bare sequence, it is only shown at the smallest scales. On the other hand, visualizations can give a broad, spatially explicit overview of sequence data. Tables of metrics can be used to convey information about, for example, overrepresented k-mers, or the location of low complexity regions or gene annotations. Simple metrics have the advantage of being precise, concise and easy to transmit, for example: N50, GC content, the mean size of exons and introns, and percent alignments. This summarization is commonly achieved via metrics or by visualization. This accomplishes three primary tasks: (1) quality checking an output, (2) understanding a sequence in context, and (3) communicating about sequence data in talks, posters and articles.

nucleotide sequence comparison

FluentDNA gives researchers direct visualization of whole genome assemblies, annotations and alignments, for quality control, hypothesis generation, and communicating results.Īn intrinsic part of the analysis of genomic data is the summarization of large sequence datasets. Genome alignments can also be visualized, laying two genomes side by side in an alignment and highlighting their differences at nucleotide resolution. When available, annotations can be visualized alongside or on top of the naked sequence. This can assist in detection of chromosome architecture and contamination by the naked eye through changes in color patterns, in the absence of any other annotation. Here we present software that visualizes the bare sequences of whole genome assemblies in a zoomable interface. Researchers seldom look at naked genome assemblies: instead the attributes of DNA sequences are mediated through statistics, annotations and high level summaries. 2School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom.1Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Jodrell Laboratory, Richmond, United Kingdom.

Nucleotide sequence comparison